Bernt Popp
Chaussestr. 58D
10115 Berlin
Phone: 0162 - 1086590
Responsible Person: Bernt Popp
According to § 28 BDSG, I object to any commercial use and distribution of data.
Scope of Responsibility: The imprint applies only to the online presence under the address:
Limitation: The web presence is part of the WWW and is therefore linked to external websites that can change at any time, which are consequently not subject to this scope of responsibility and do not apply to the following information. It has been thoroughly checked that the links do not violate morals or laws (before they were added here).
Service Provider: Bernt Popp
Contact Person for the Website: Bernt Popp (
Responsible Person: Bernt Popp (
Copyright and Usage: The author grants you the specific right to make a private copy for personal use. You are not authorized to alter, distribute, or publish the materials themselves. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the copyrights remain with Bernt Popp.
Data Protection: Personal data is only collected with your knowledge and consent. Upon request, you can obtain free information about the personal data stored about you. Please contact the administrator for this purpose.
No Liability: The content of this web project has been carefully examined and created to the best of our knowledge. However, no claim is made for the completeness, timeliness, quality, and accuracy of the information provided here. No responsibility can be assumed for damages resulting from the trust in the contents of this website or their use.
Intellectual Property Violation: If you suspect that one of your intellectual property rights is being violated from this website, please immediately inform us by email so that prompt remedial action can be taken. Please note: Engaging a lawyer for the service provider's costly cease-and-desist notice does not correspond to our actual or presumed intention.
According to the judgment of May 12, 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - “Liability for Links,” the Hamburg Regional Court decided that by placing a link, you might be partly responsible for the content of the linked site. This can only be prevented by explicitly distancing yourself from these contents. ‘Hereby, we expressly distance ourselves from all contents of all linked sites on our website and do not adopt these contents as our own. This declaration applies to all links placed on our website.’